Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Tribute to Scarves

Scarves are such a great accessory from the fact that we lose a ton of body heat from our necks to how a scarf can instantly change the vibe of an outfit. With that in mind, I tried to think of all the ways I know how to wear a scarf.

10 Ways to Wear a Scarf

Tie it like a tie

Twist two together

Loop it through

Wear it like a handkerchief

Tie it together and wear it as a loop

Fur stole- faux or real



Like a turtleneck

Held together with a pin

Oh the possibilities...


  1. Oh I lurve scarves - you have a great collection!
    Thanks for commenting on my blog xx

  2. I am a big scarf fan also! So versatile - luv your work here :)
