Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm so hard for a rich girl. My heels cast high, my eyes cast low, and I don't know how to love. I get too tired after midday.

I want a Cartier Love Bracelet so badly! However, they are far out of my price range, but I still think they are really beautiful. I also think its really cool how they are put on and taken off with a little screw driver by the one you love. Some may think that is a tad controlling and extreme but hey, I wouldn't mind being locked to a gorgeous and expensive piece of jewelry! That would also mean I couldn't lose it!
I like how industrial it looks, but I really like...

...this one!!!

There are a bunch of bracelets that have similar kinds of themes and that cost a ton less...


Juicy Couture

NYC Boutique

...but none of these have the same meaning.


  1. Thankyou for the comments!

    Love the bracelets. I'm afraid to ask how much they cost though, haha. I love your blog too. Consider me a follower!

    Take care x

  2. i havent heard of love bracelets before, but i think the idea is really cool! hmm maybe my boyfriend could buy me one... xx

  3. Love all of these, especially the Cartier . . .


  4. Cool! I like the idea of being locked into the bracelet with a screwdriver! :)

  5. Thank you for your comment. Great blog!

    Fashion Pulse
    Fashion Moment

  6. cartier bracelets are so industrial. i like how it looks- simple but elegant!
